Clive and Dorothy send all good wishes for the forth coming season  and hope that 2022 will be better than 2021. We thank you all for taking your well-earned holidays at Acorn Lodge plus your messages, cards, gifts, plus spoken greetings.  


2021 seems to have gone well for our guests and us all. Despite the  restrictions.


Below is how we keep Acorn Lodge safe for all guests


Arriving on a Sunday when guests can come earlier worked well, and we were able to adhere to Covid-19 recommendations.


Leaving on a Friday and not having to rush off seems to suit everyone, we have to ask guests to leave the windows open for us as we cannot enter to clean for a couple of  hours,  We ask guests to put the white towels into the washing machine then when we go into the Lodge we like to wash at 90 degrees, after cleaning and changing the beds checking all the crockery and utensils we then steam clean all the Lodge, we use an ultraviolet wand over the electric appliances, sockets, light switches etc.


Most guests carry their own covid-19 requirements, but we do supply disposable aprons, hand gel, plastic gloves, wipes and surface cleaner and if  you forget your mask we can provide you with one


Thanking everyone once again for their co-operation, please Stay safe and well enjoy  the New Year   Best wishes from Clive and Dorothy January 1st 2022