Easter on the Horizon
After a very wet March, we are glad to see the warmer, brighter days arriving again. All around us, the farmers have been busy with lambing and calving – including at Mark and Mary-Jane’s farm that borders us here.

The cattle – even the hardy ones – have mostly been inside during the winter to keep them from treading the fields into a complete mudbath with their sharp hooves, and they are all happy now to be going outside and feeling the sun on their backs once more.

Spring of course means flowers appearing in the fields, woods and hedgerows once again, and the sight of them raises the spirits with the promise of longer days and real Spring weather returning. Some of the early blossom on the trees has been spectacular this year.

Of course, as Easter approaches we don’t forget the meaning behind it all, and in small communities like ours, it’s still important to mark it with the traditional services at our village churches, which are decked out with the Spring flowers to mark the occasion.

Here is the ancient church of St. John the Baptist, Hope Bagot. Sadly, we lost part of our historic yew tree in the churchyard over the winter

This is St. Mary’s at Whitton, the next village down the hill and a stop on one of the walks you can take from Acorn Lodge